Registration Information

School Year 2025-2026 Registration
To register, please complete a Completed Registration Form. A $125 registration fee is required to hold any available spot. You will be notified within 2 business days if a spot is not available and will be put on our waitlist.
December 1 - Registration opens to currently enrolled Preschool families
January 6 - Registration opens to our Church family
January 13 - Registration opens to the general public
Once you are enrolled, the following forms are required before the beginning of the school year:
Child's Birth Certificate
Enrichment Registration
We’re so excited to offer a new year of Enrichment classes for our 4-year-olds. This year we have 5 classes, each taught by our fabulously talented SGUMC Preschool teachers – KidFit (2), Pete the Cat Math, Music and Movement, and Yoga. Each class consists of 5 Thursdays. Students bring a nut-free lunch, eat with classmates then move on to hands-on activities relating to the class’s topic. Classes tend to fill up fast, so make sure to register in advance.
Each class costs $130. You will be invoiced when you register for a class. You may sign up for as many classes as you’d like. Registration for each class will close the week before the class begins. We cap each class at 12 students. If we do not have 8 students registered for a class, we will not be able to offer it and your money will be refunded.
Carpool will be offered in the back lot for pick up at 1:30.
To register, just click on the class you’d like your child to attend.
Join Mrs. Ramsey and Mrs. Kohan for a fun filled fitness class focusing on conditioning, agility, and camaraderie. Students will engage is various games linked to multiple sports and will vary weekly.
Dates for the 2023-24 School Year are TBD.
Pete the Cat Math 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Pet the Cat is where it’s at! He makes math fun for everyone. Children will enjoy exploring and learning preschool math through games, songs, and story books. Pete will help us focus on number recognition, counting, measurement, and patterning. Watch your child’s love and interest in math flourish as we explore mathematical concepts! Taught by Ms. Nuckols and Mrs. Spangler.
Dates for the 2023-24 School Year are TBD.
Music & Movement
Join Mrs. Judy & Mrs. Groves for a rockin & rollin good time. Exploring life through song and movement. We’ll sing. We’ll dance. We’ll use a variety of musical instruments. Let’s have fun getting our groove on together.
Dates for the 2023-24 School Year are TBD.
Connect the mind, body and spirit through breathe, animal adaptations of yoga poses, anatomy, storytelling, games, meditative music and art. Yoga at an early age encourages greater mind-body awareness, calmness and compassion for oneself. Some of the many benefits of yoga for children include stillness, balance, flexibility, focus, peace, health and well-being. Taught by Ms. Nuckols and Mrs. Spangler.
Dates for the 2023-24 School Year are TBD.
Lunch Bunch Registration
All 3's and 4's are invited to join us for an extra 1 ½ hour of fun on Mondays
and Wednesdays. Just send in a packed lunch, nut free and clearly
labeled of course, for your child to eat and then play with friends. Carpool
will be offered in the back lot for pick up at 1:30.
The cost is $20 per day. You may register for as many, or as few, as you
like. We ask that you register monthly, 1 week in advance, for staffing purposes.
We will invoice you twice a year for payment. Once at the end of Dec, for
days your child attended in Oct, Nov, and Dec. And again, at the end of
April for the days your child attended in Jan, Feb, March, and April.
Our teachers love leading lunch bunch as they get to connect with students
from different classes. And, of course, your children love playing with their
friends, and making new ones too.
Looking forward to welcoming after school fun back to Shady Grove!